Friday, January 11, 2008

List Of Languages

* Advanced Boolean Expression Language (ABEL)
* AHDL (Altera HDL, a proprietary language from Altera)
* Atom (behavioral synthesis and high-level HDL based on Haskell)
* Bluespec (high-level HDL originally based on Haskell, now with a SystemVerilog syntax)
* Confluence (a functional HDL; has been discontinued)
* CUPL (a proprietary language from Logical Devices, Inc.)
* HDCaml (based on Objective Caml)
* Hardware Join Java (based on Join Java)
* HML (based on SML)
* Hydra (based on Haskell)
* JHDL (based on Java)
* Lava (based on Haskell)
* Lola (a simple language used for teaching)
* MyHDL (based on Python)
* PALASM (for Programmable Array Logic (PAL) devices)
* Ruby (hardware description language)
* RHDL (based on the Ruby programming language)
* CoWareC, a C-based HDL by CoWare. Now discontinued in favor of SystemC
* SystemVerilog, a superset of Verilog, with enhancements to address system-level design and verification
* SystemC, a standardized class of C++ libraries for high-level behavioral and transaction modeling of digital hardware at a high level of abstraction, i.e. system-level